Junior Competition
Junior Singles were played back in the 1930s but we are unsure how Juniors were defined. In later years, Junior bowlers were defined as Leads and Twos. Leads and Twos were subservient learners of the game, and after playing their bowls, had to stand on the bank and take no more part in the head. Offering advice or any vocal participation in the game was frowned upon. They were expected to play draw bowls only, and any aggressive shots were left to the Three and Skip. In the sixties entries in the Club Singles was restricted to threes and skips.
In 1981, the N.Z.B.A. adopted a new definition for Juniors as ‘five years and under bowlers’, and at the 1983 A.G.M. of the Club, in a move instigated by then Treasurer and Northland Bowling Centre Junior Selector, Gordon Fitzpatrick, the Club adopted the N.Z.B.A. definition for Junior bowlers. Also at this meeting the restriction on Junior bowlers playing in the Championship Singles competition was lifted. To date, no Junior bowler has managed to win the Club’s Championship Singles.
For the Leads and Twos, Intermediate Championships were introduced and ran at the same time as the Junior competition, but petered out in 1993.
In 1998, Inter-Centre competition adopted a new category of bowler, the Academy Player. Initially this was 12 years and under bowlers, and was implemented to bridge the gap between Juniors and Open. In 1999, this category was changed to 10 years and under bowlers. Club Junior competition changed to 10 years and under in 2001. Junior Championships changed to Mixed in 2012.
Men's Intermediate Championships
1984 E. Pickerill
1985 E. Pickerill
1986 D.W. Don Chapman
1987 D.M. McLaggan
1988 K.C.M. Griggs
1989 S.H. Hart
1990 J. Neal
1991 D. Everleens
1992 J. Neal
1993 D. Everleens
1984 P. Brady, M.E. Power
1985 M.R. Williams, J.C. Lerew
1986 J.C. Lerew, K.C.M. Griggs
1987 F.R.B. Sherley, M.E. Power
1988 J.G. Carter, D.H. Allen
1989 G.H. Griffin, D.M. McLaggan
1990 C.S. Smith, A. Andersen
1991 R.R. Wilson, D. Everleens
1992 R.R. Wilson, D. Everleens

1966 C.M. Arneil
1967 R.W. Morris
1968 W. Smith
1969 M. Wallace
1970 L. Hillier
1971 R.W. Morris
1972 J. McMillan
1973 W.A. Butt
1974 T.M. Fleming
1975 H. Burns
1976 G.P. Atkins
1977 R.W. Stewart
1978 K.G. Staiger
1979 R. Stables
1980 G.J. Deeming
1981 S.G. Wray
1982 C.A. Rawle
1983 E.M. Elliott
1984 J.A. Jamieson *
1985 W.H. Esling
1986 M.T. Howie
1987 W.H. Esling
1988 T.O. Chapman
1989 W. Kanara
1990 M.G. Houlahan
1991 R. Arbon
1992 D.W. Chapman
1993 W.C. Taylor
1994 B. Geldard
1995 W.C. Taylor
1996 G.L. Whitham
1997 T.G. Reader
1998 T.G. Reader
1999 S. Prasad
2000 C.J. van Haaften
2001 C.J. van Haaften +
2002 Not Played
2003 Not Played
2004 A.J. van Haaften
2005 A.J. van Haaften
2006 P.M.W. Yovich
2007 P. Graham
2008 P.M.W. Yovich
2009 P. Graham
2010 Not Played
2011 Not Played
2012 Not Played •
2013 K.R. Merritt
2014 Not Played
2015 D. Collett
2016 Not Finished
2017 D. Mora
2018 E. Chrol
2019 P.A. Price
2020 Unfinished
2021 L.W. Roberts
2022 L.W. Roberts
* Five Years & Under
+ 10 Years & Under
• Mixed
1937 D. McLeod
1940 F. Jones
1948 A.F. Baker
1949 H.D. Ashcroft
1950 Not Played
1951 T.C. Williams
1952 R. Martin
1953 A.J. Waterworth
1954 J. Burch
1955 Not Played
1956 Not Played
1957 J.B. Wilson
1958 J.R. Leese
1959 J.R. Leese
1960 M. Blomeley
1961 R.C. Leese
1962 E. Mortenson
1963 C.B. Hawkins
1964 T.R. Gardiner
1965 P. Hayden
The "Clanroy Cup" for Junior Singles presented by Simons Proprietory Ltd.
Men's Junior Championship Singles
The records from 1948 have been taken from the Clanroy Cup (opposite)and from written records since the Cup ceased to be engraved, but records show that Junior Singles was played prior to these records.
Men's Junior Championship Pairs
1969 L. King, W.R. King
1970 R.R. Wilson, W.B. Andrews
1971 W.A. Butt, H.A. Murdoch
1972 C.B. Hawkins, F.R.B. Sherley
1973 D. McLeod, T. Girbin
1974 J.H. Thomson, H.T. Parkin
1975 W. Bell, E. Spedding
1976 Not Played
1977 R.C. Bowyer, N. Brown
1978 J.F. Wilson, E. Carter
1979 M.L. Paul, W. Noa
1980 P.R. Edge, D. Dingman
1981 E. Pickerill, M.L. Paul
1982 J.A. Jamieson, D.F. Cains
1983 D.M. McLaggan, H. Burns
1984 R. Hodgson, J.A. Jamieson *
1985 K.C.M. Griggs, G.R. Whitham
1986 W.H. Esling, M.T. Howie
1987 J.P. Norman, D.J. Nightingale
1988 P.L. Fowlie, W.H. Esling
1989 F.B. Robinson, W.P. Fowlie
1990 M.G. Houlahan, R. Arbon
1991 M.R. Smith, R. Arbon
1992 S. Nelson, W.C. Taylor
1993 F.X. Dunn, C. Young
1994 R.G. Andrews, E.C. Horgan
1995 S. Nelson, W.C. Taylor
1996 W.R. Roberts, B. Geldard
1997 W.R. Roberts, T.G. Reader
1998 D. Sabourgious, K.E. Hughes
1999 S. Prasad, T.G. Reader
2000 A.J. van Haaften, C.J. van Haaften
2001 S. Prasad, T.G. Reader +
2002 S. Prasad, T.G. Reader
2003 M.P. Jujnovich, B. Taylor
2004 Not Played
2005 P.M.W. Yovich, A.J. van Haaften
2006 Not Played
2007 Not Played
2008 Not Played
2009 Not Played
2010 G.P. Urlich, P. Graham
2011 Not Played
2012 B.A Jones, L.M. Miller •
2013 Not Played
2014 Not Played

The "C.A. Herman Bowls" presented by Charlie Herman for Junior Pairs - Lead & Skip
2015 G. Fraser, D.S. Collett
2016 D. Mora, B.A. Jones
2017 L.M. Jones, L.W. Roberts
2018 P. Shotter, P.A. Price
2019 G. Fraser, L.W. Roberts
2020 Unfinished
2021 L.W. Roberts, P Shotter
2022 E. Chrol, L.W. Roberts
* Five Years and Under
+ 10 Years and Under
• Mixed
Women's Junior Championship Singles
Women's Junior Championships were 'six years and under' until it was changed to Academy (10 years and under) in 2001.
1986 H. Hilliard
1987 C. Pentecost
1988 C. Pentecost
1989 C. Pentecost
1990 T. Waetford
1991 V. Barrell
1992 A.J. Grenfell
1993 T. Waetford
1994 J. Botica
1995 G. Carter
1996 G. Thompson
1997 G. Carter
1998 J. Cains
1999 J. Cains
2000 A.M. Church
2001 A.M. Church +
2002 S. James
2003 Not Played
2004 Not Played
2005 Not Played
2006 Not Played
2007 Not Played
2008 Not Played
2009 A. Herbert
2010 Not Played
2011 Not Played
2012 Not Played
+ 10 Years and Under